Weigh-In On Weight Loss: What Works, What Doesn’t

Weigh-In On Weight Loss: What Works, What Doesn’t
November 30, 2021

It’s becoming harder and harder to wade through all of the weight loss plans and gimmicks and fad diets out there in the world to try to get to a healthy weight. It’s so frustrating that all you want to do is comfort-eat!

Today I want to talk about what works for weight loss and what doesn’t, and how I approach losing AND managing weight. Let’s keep it simple.

The “What Works, What Doesn’t” Quick List

What Doesn’t Work? Not Getting Enough Sleep

What works? Getting 6-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. I know for some of you that isn’t easy, but you’ll be amazed at what getting enough sleep will do for your weight, your energy, and your concentration!

What Doesn’t Work For Weight Loss? Allowing One Bad Choice to Turn Into 20 Bad Choices

What works? We must allow room in our diets and lifestyles for celebratory events and special occasions. Just don’t make it a habit.

What Doesn’t Work? Not Drinking Enough Water

What works? Drinking 1 ounce of water per kilogram of body weight per day at minimum.

What Doesn’t Work? Fad Diets That Are Not Sustainable

What works? Making sustainable lifestyle changes that you can incorporate into your daily life. That’s the key to keeping the weight off for good.

chart to show the things that work for weight loss

I know, I know. You’ve heard this all before, right? Sleep. Water. Exercise. Lifestyle changes.

But how many times have you been successful in your efforts only to gain the weight back?

That’s where weight loss management and weight management programs come in. Weight management clinics and weight management doctors are literally just what the doctor ordered for many people who struggle. Why? Because losing weight isn’t often something you can do on your own.

How to Make Weight Loss Work

There are many paths to get to wellness, so there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to being healthy or to weight loss. It’s essential, therefore, to work with someone who knows this and has many tools to choose from to create a treatment plan for your individual needs. Not only that, but you need someone to celebrate your milestones on good days and prop you up on bad days!

I approach weight loss from several different directions.

I offer a Slim Boost Injection to support your health and weight loss efforts, if that’s the most appropriate for you.

Others may do well with a supplement like the medical grade, physician-only Ortho Biotic. This is because inflammation of the gut is relevant when helping people with their weight management.

You can also benefit from health support here at Primary Care Simplified. We’ve partnered with Valerie Maclin, a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Nutritionist, who’s here on Wednesdays to meet with you and help you on your weight-loss journey.

This option provides you with personal, holistic, structured support geared to your own specific needs.

Having that support makes a lot of sense because all areas of our life can benefit from

  • learning new behaviors,
  • addressing old issues, and
  • making healthier choices.

Some people, though, don’t need a full-blown health program to support their weight loss or weight management. They may just need to practice intermittent fasting as a way to control insulin levels, decrease insulin resistance, and achieve better health, including weight loss.

Would You Like Help With Your Weight Loss Management?

If so, contact us for a consultation. I’m here to support you in your efforts not only to lose weight but to live your best life!

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